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Profiles in Materials Science, Dan Steinberg

How many people are lucky enough to embrace their passion as a career?  Years ago, Dan Steinberg worked as the operations astronomer for the Hubble Space Telescope at the Space Telescope Science Institute.  When he wasn’t at his day job, he volunteered doing science outreach work and loved it.  In 2000, he decided it was time to leave scientific research and plunge into a career in science education.  As someone fully committed to science education and outreach, Dan knows he makes a huge difference in the lives of people young and old, teaching them about the world of science and offering them opportunities to explore the natural world in a rigorous fashion.  He also strives to be a facilitator, helping scientists effectively engage the public, building an inclusive, formal and informal science education network at one of the nation’s leading universities.

Read more about Steinberg and other Science Enthusiasts here.


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